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[英語]英語[原創]-The L Word Season3 Soundtrack(2006-10-24@80.5MB@80.5MB@RS) 關閉[複製鏈接]

zacharywolfgang 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2009-1-16 01:18 PM|只看該作者|倒序瀏覽
本帖最後由 zacharywolfgang 於 2009-1-23 03:41 AM 編輯

[原創]-英語-The L Word Season3 Soundtrack


"The L Word: The Third Season." The two-CD set — which includes a sixteen page booklet — embraces twenty-four songs by a cherry-picked roster of stellar lesbian and lesbi-friendly artists, deftly incorporating a refreshing variety of genres: folk, electro, country, soul, pop, classical.
Featured are three songs exclusive to the "the L-Word" Season 3 soundtrack: Frazey Ford's (of The Be Good Tanyas) haunting solo rendering of the traditional folk song, "In My Time of Dying," Maggie Moore & Yvette Narlock's sassy, swaggering "The Lady Loves Me" (originally by Elvis and Ann Margaret in “Viva Las Vegas”)
and the clever "Jesus" by Downtown (NYC) darlin's, BETTY.

Also featured are studio versions of five songs performed live on the show: Tegan and Sara's "Love Type Thing," Jahna's "Flower Duet from Lakme" (forever beloved as the song from the Catherine Deneuve-Susan Sarandon seduction scene in "The Hunger"), Sleater – Kinney's "Jumpers" (recently featured on Logo's "New Now Next" video hour), Tracy Bonham’s “Whether You Fall” and "Transformation," originally released by the fierce Nona Hendryx back in 1983. Nona is joined on this re-recording by the fab "L Word" star Pam Grier and BETTY (the two of whom together sang "Some Kind of Wonderful" on the "Season 2" soundtrack).

專輯名稱: The L Word Season3 Soundtrack
專輯語言: 英語
載點: 附件
唱片公司: Paramount Home Entertainment
Label: Tommy Boy
發行 : Oct 24, 2006
解壓密碼: zacharywolfgang僅分享於伊莉plus
載點存活時間: 系統自刪
1.Telepopmuzik "Don't Look Back"
2.Tegan and Sarah "Love Type Thing" Live On Show EXCLUSIVE
3.Tracy Bonham "Naked" Live On Show
4.Jahna "Flower Duet From Lakme" Live On Show
5.D'Angelo "Feel Like Makin' Love"
6.Nona Hendryx, Pam Grier, Betty "Transformation" Live On Show
7.Cory Lee "The Naughty Song (Extended)"
8.Catlow "Kiss The World"
9.Sleater-Kinney "Jumpers" Live On Show
10.Magneta Lane "The Constant Lover"
11.The Gossip "Standing In The Way Of Control (Le Tigre Remix)"
12.Betty "Jesus" EXCLUSIVE
13.Shivaree "I Will Go Quietly"
1.Lorraine Lawson "Rules Of The Game"
2.Maria Muldaur "It Ain't The Meat, It's The Motion"
3.Frazey Ford "In My Time Of Dying" EXCLUSIVE
4.Maggie Moore & Yvette Narlock "Lady Loves Me" E XCLUSIVE
5.Eldorado "Jaded Julie"
6.TraLaLa "All Fired Up"
7.Tracy Bonham "Whether You Fall"
8.Esthero "I Drive Alone"
9.Tegan and Sarah "So Jealous"
10.Amy Cook "Million Holes In Heaven"
11.Neko Case & Her Boyfriends "Porchlight"

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